Thank you for sharing this! Such a great quote "“All of humanity’s problems,” said French scientist and philosopher Blaise Pascal in 1654, “stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”" - I would add the same can be said about sitting in a room together quietly and just feeling each other's being. The nudity is such a great equalizer and vulnerability trigger too that accelerates our oneness.

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I couldn't agree more Michael - I'd never thought of it that way until I'd experienced it in a public setting!

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Apr 8Liked by Nikita Khandwala

Loved this! I couldn’t help but think of the historic lack of time to herself that women have had, which was so well explained in this article: https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jul/21/woman-greatest-enemy-lack-of-time-themselves

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"And it strikes me: it’s not that women haven’t had the talent to make their mark in the world of ideas and art. They’ve never had the time." THIS IS EVERYTHING.

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